Ways To Prevent Your Horse Shelter From Seasonal Settling
If you have a horse shelter and live in an area with cold winters, you need to be mindful of preventing your shelter from settling during seasonal changes. As the ground freezes and thaws, it can cause the shelter to settle — which will make for more work for you as you attempt to get it level every spring. The best thing that you can do is to put a little more time and effort into setting up the shelter in the first place so that as the seasons change, the shelter remains in your desired position. Here are three ways that you can prevent seasonal settling.
Set The Posts Below The Frost Line
If you're anchoring your horse shelter with posts, much in the same manner as you might do with a deck, you need to be sure that you dig the posts deep enough to go below the frost line. The depth of the frost line varies depending on your location, but this information is easy enough to track down online. A power auger will allow you to descend below the frost line so that when you set your posts and anchor the horse shelter to them, it will not be susceptible to movement when the seasons change.
Create A Packed Foundation
Not everyone wants to go to the effort of using posts to set up a horse shelter. If you don't want the shelter attached in this manner, you need to give it a proper foundation. This means digging down into the earth several inches and building a foundation of gravel and stone dust — much like you should do when you lay a patio or an interlock walkway. You'll also want to rent a power or hand tamper so that you can compact the gravel and stone dust to provide a solid, flat, and immovable base on which to set the horse shelter.
Set It On The Bedrock
Depending on where you live, you may notice that the bedrock sits just a few inches below the soil. This essentially negates your ability to drill post holes, but clearing the soil away and setting the horse shelter directly on the bedrock can be an effective strategy for preventing movement as the seasons change. The more work that you do at the time of setting up this structure, the less that you'll have to worry about it in the months and years ahead.