5 Tips For Using Essential Oils In Hot Tubs

Essential oils can help you feel relaxed or invigorate you. They can also help soothe aching muscles and are commonly used to help cure diseases. Using essential oils in your hot tub can increase the spa-like affect of your hot tub. However, it is important that you use essential oils wisely. Below are five tips to get you started.  Use Anti-Fungal or Anti-Bacterial Oils to Keep Your Water Fresh  Many essential oils have eitheranti-bacterial or anti-fungal properties. [Read More]

Easy Repairs to Keep Your Bicycle in Good Condition

When you purchase a bike to rekindle the love you had of cycling as a kid, you want to make sure that your recreational vehicle lasts as long as possible. You can keep your bicycle in great condition and perform many minor repairs on your own by investing in some basic parts and tools to add to your arsenal of bike gear. Fix a Flat Tire If you fixed flat tires with an inexpensive repair kit when you were young, the task should be relatively easy to perform on your adult-sized bike. [Read More]

Avoiding Wedgies: A Male's Underwear Guide To Ziplining In Comfort

Zip lining through companies like Shallotte River Swamp Park, professional courses, wooded areas, and high mountain tops is an amazing experience that you won't soon forget. Don't let that experience be tainted with the uncomfortable feeling by choosing the wrong underwear for your adventures. While zip lining, you are strapped into a tight harness that wraps around your thighs and waist. Instead of letting the harness cause discomfort, there are multiple ways you can properly prepare. [Read More]

Add Some Zip To Your Zip Line Adventure

Zip lining can be an amazing and fun experience. Consider making your time on the zip line experience with companies like Sky Valley Zip Tours even better with these ideas.  Multiply the Fun A zip line experience is fairly easy to find, especially in areas that rely on tourism. Check out zip line activities that offer all day adventure as well. Many zip line rides and tours also include hiking in an exotic location or traveling down the river in a kayak or inner tube. [Read More]